Family Rights and Resources of Gifted Children
While there are no federal laws regarding Gifted identification and programming, the state of Colorado does have laws for Gifted education. The purpose of the Family Rights in Gifted Education: Procedural Safeguards document is to provide a summary of information regarding gifted students’ rights in the state of Colorado according to the Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA). We strongly believe that families will be better equipped to advocate for their gifted child when aware of their rights. We understand that as you read through this information, you will likely have more questions.
Translations for Short Description of Documents
Please reach out to your school's GT Teacher or Point of Contact for clarifying information. Starting in the 2023 school year, you will receive these documents each fall as we collaborate to write your student’s Advanced Learning Plan (ALP).
(with translations)
(with translations)
Military Students
The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children created legislation to ease school-to-school transfers for military children. The intent of the Compact is to minimize the disruption in education when a military child is forced to move as a result of a transfer or deployment.
The Compact states:
Educational Program Placement:
As long as the program is offered by the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), acting as the receiving Local Education Agency (LEA), it will honor placement of the child in educational programs based on current educational assessments and placement in like programs in the sending State. Such programs include, but are not limited to, gifted and talented programs and English language learners. The receiving State school may perform subsequent evaluations to ensure the child’s appropriate educational program placement. Continuing the child’s academic program from the previous school and promoting placement in academically and career challenging courses shall be a primary consideration when DoDEA considers the placement of a transferring child.
Family Resources
General Gifted Resources
What are my rights as a Colorado parent/guardian of a Gifted student?
Gifted Resource Guide for Families - Click here for translations
We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For: Call to Action for Equity Advocacy for Gifted Students
Young, Gifted & Black: Recalibrating Race, Education & Equity for San Francisco
A Culturally Responsive Equity-Based Bill of Rights for Gifted Students of Color
Twice Exceptionality (Gifted with a disability)
Recursos en Español
Acceleration Resources
Academic acceleration: When is it the right choice for your child?
What parents of gifted kids should know about grade-skipping
Skipping a grade in elementary school is just fine for kids, new study finds
National, State, and Local Gifted Organizations