Testing Information

How do I sign up for cognitive testing?

Nominate your child for magnet testing (Applicable for students ECE-12)

Haga clic aquí para nominar a su hijo para la prueba de enfoque especial (Magnet) para Estudiantes Altamente Dotados

Downloadable application- English

Nomination forms (available in Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, French, Nepali, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese). Make sure to download the file or make a copy to complete in Google Docs.

Please submit paper nomination forms to your GT Teacher and they will submit them to our office. Alternatively, you may scan and send them to giftedandtalented@dpsk12.org.

Nomination-Based Testing Guidance

Students should only take cognitive tests once every three years. After reviewing our nomination testing processes and score outcomes,  DPS GT recommends not nominating students every year for cognitive testing. Cognitive test scores have minimum change over time and are not assessments that can be practiced or studied for to impact scores. Ideally, students should only be cognitively tested once every three years.  There are over 30 different pathways to identification that may not involve having a qualifying cognitive score; please contact the GT teacher at your child's school for more information. For more information on this guidance, please see our guidance document.

Testing Window: The spring testing window for in-district students will occur at a child’s school between March 3-April 28, 2025. You will receive more information from the GT teacher at your school following the nomination deadline of February 21, 2025.

Out of district/home/private school students will be scheduled to test at the Emily Griffith Campus (1860 Lincoln St.) by appointment during that same March 3-April 28, 2025 window. Information for scheduling an appointment will be provided in a follow up email after registration  (a Sign-Up Genius link will be sent following the nomination deadline on February 21). Testing will not be available prior outside of the testing window.

Students cannot be tested twice with a cognitive test in the same school year. For instance, a student tested in the fall of 2024 would not be eligible to test in the spring of 2025. During the fall semester, DPS students enrolled in Kindergarten and 6th grades are tested with the NNAT3 and 2nd grade students will be tested with the Naglieri General Abilities Test (NGAT) as part of the universal screening process; those families do not need to submit this form unless their child was not assessed during the fall screening.

Students already designated as Magnet Eligible (ME) or Highly Gifted (HGT) will not need to be assessed with further cognitive testing as this data point has been achieved. GT identified and talent pool students may be tested for the purpose of potential Magnet School Eligibility and/or HGT identification purposes. Please contact your school’s GT teacher with any questions regarding your child’s designation.

We cannot test students younger than age 4. Visit our Early Childhood page for more information about ECE testing and the Early Access page.

Early Childhood Assessment

The Gifted and Talented department can assess students with the Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test (NNAT3) starting at age 4. We cannot offer testing younger than age 4.

Click here to submit a nomination form to nominate your child for testing.

My child took a cognitive test outside of Denver Public Schools. Can it be used towards a gifted identification and/or magnet eligibility?

Possibly, pending a Data Committee Review.

If you have additional testing data external to Denver Public Schools such as WISC, WPPSI, DAS, Stanford-Binet or other cognitive testing you would like reviewed for eligibility, please email the file to giftedandtalented@dpsk12.org.

  • Important: If your child is not currently a student in DPS, please also include a copy of their birth certificate so that we can generate a district file to house the data.

Please review the Outside Testing Policy.