Director of Gifted and Talented
Email Dr. Meryl Faulkner
Contact Information
ALL schools in the district are responsible for meeting the needs of identified gifted and talented students. Please view this document to find your school’s GT representative and contact info: Gifted and Talented Teacher/Point of Contact.
DPS Gifted and Talented Department
Phone: 720-423-2056
Email DPS Gifted and Talented Department
Mailing Address: 1860 Lincoln St, 8th Floor, Denver, CO 80203
Central Team Leadership
Senior Leadership

Dr. Meryl Faulkner

Senior Manager
Senior Program Manager
Email Coming Soon

Nathan Burt
Program Manager
Email Nathan Burt

Bertie Fiz
Program Manager
Email Bertie Fiz
Central Team Staff
Full Support Staff

Tara Cilke
Operations Coordinator
Email Tara Cilke

Stacey Pendleton
Assessment and Technology Specialist
Email Stacey Pendleton
Curriculum Specialists

Brian Beard
GT Curriculum Specialist
Email Brian Beard

Dee Harewood
GT Curriculum Specialist
Email Dee Harewood

Greg Moldow
GT Curriculum Specialist
Email Greg Moldow

Dr. Joanna Ross
GT Curriculum Specialist
Email Joanna Ross

Maggie Rowbottom
GT Curriculum Specialist
Email Maggie Rowbottom

Sheena Saul
GT Curriculum Specialist
Email Sheena Saul
Senior Team Leads

Chelsea Chappell-Cox
Senior Team Lead
Email Chelsea Chappell-Cox

Dr. Robin Tobin
Senior Team Lead
Email Dr. Robin Tobin
Educational Psychologists

Jennifer McDonough, NCSP
GT Psychologist
Email Jennifer McDonough

Jennifer Roark, NCSP
GT Psychologist
Email Jennifer Roark