About Us
The Gifted and Talented team is focused on providing equitable, high impact identification and programming for gifted learners to thrive.
We strive to ensure that gifted and talented students are engaged, rigorously challenged, and supported to reach their full emotional, intellectual, and creative potential. By equipping students to become successful, critical, compassionate, and collaborative individuals, we are preparing them to become leaders and citizens of the 21st century.
Our Services
We provide services to gifted students and their families. The Gifted and Talented Department oversees gifted identification, magnet eligibility, and talent pool placements in the district. In addition, we support and monitor each school's gifted programming in order to ensure best practice for gifted students.
ALL schools in the district are responsible for meeting the needs of identified gifted and talented students. Please view this document to find your school's GT representative and contact info: Gifted and Talented Teacher/Point of Contact.
Please click here for currently available programming plans for each DPS School.

Contact Us
Phone: 720-423-2056
Email: giftedandtalented@dpsk12.org
Mailing Address: 1860 Lincoln St, 8th Floor, Denver, CO 80203
gt.dpsk12.org | Facebook