Family Series

Family Newsletter



GT Department News

Universal Screening - All kindergarteners, 2nd, and 6th graders take a screener in the Fall. Have you received your child’s results? All families will receive testing result by:

  • 6th grade:  November 15th

  • 2nd grade: December 13th

  • Kinder:  December 13th 

Magnet Eligibility - If your child received a score of the 95 percentile or above in a cognitive test (NNAT, CogAT, NGAT, etc) Your child is now magnet eligible. You will receive the results of your child's test and the determination of magnet eligibility the week of December 16th. For more information watch: 

Next Steps for Supporting Your Child’s Identification

Letting your child’s GT teacher know more about your child’s characteristics can help teachers with this work. For more information, view our Gifted Characteristics site.

Family Newsletter

Videos of Students Advocating for More Challenge, Choice, Etc.

If you would like to view the video in another language, choose Closed Captions and select your language of choice in the settings.

Training Your Child to ADVOCATE for Their Needs

How to Talk to Your Teacher for Your GT Needs

Is Your Child Identified As GIfted and Talented Or Highly Gifted and Talented?

Did you receive a copy of your child’s Advanced Learning Plan? You can reach out to the school’s point of contact for more information.

 Procedural Safeguards-  The purpose of the “Family Rights in Gifted Education: Procedural Safeguards” document is to provide a summary of information regarding gifted students’ rights in the state of Colorado according to the Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA). (English / Translations)

Gifted Multilingual Learner Characteristics & Activities

GT/MLL Characteristic : Family Activities - Real World Lens

Características y Actividades para estudiantes multilingües y estudiantes dotados y talentosos Cómo apoyar la identidad y las fortalezas del estudiante en el hogar

Eagerness to share about their native culture 

  • Share  oral and written history/family stories

  • Open family discussion about family culture customs to help children to  be comfortable sharing these topics in school.

  • Student shares school projects about culture  with extended family. (Student plays the teacher.)

  • Use techniques/symbols of artists from their culture in art projects

  • Participate in cultural activities such as community events- Lunar New Year, Day of the Dead altars

Teaches peers/adults words from the home language(s).  

  • Invite friends with similar languages/interests to home

  • Talk about the underlying meaning of culturally significant words to support student’s explanations in  English

  • Incorporate songs/lyrics into family functions

Shows a strong sense of pride in cultural and linguistic heritage and ethnic background 

  • Talk about family heritage and background

  • Encourage reading through PebbleGo, Reading A-Z, EpicBooks, DPL, Libby

  • Watch films and shows portraying your family’s celebrations/history

  • Encourage reading in more than one language at home

Eager to interpret and translate for peers and adults

  • Encourage child to take on mentorship/internship/foreign exchange opportunities

  • Encourage child to participate in afterschool programs/ camps about their heritage/language.

  • Attend a school district meeting, with multiple interpreters, that explains resources to families.

Cross-Cultural Flexibility - navigates roles expected of home culture(s) and/or new culture

  • Talk to child about nuances of home language(s)/overlap with other languages

  • Attend appointments/check-ups, films, art exhibits, celebrations that represent your culture or other cultures.


Advanced knowledge and use of expressions and native dialects, interpretation into another language

  • Outing to a library with a variety of materials in a variety of languages. Encourage interaction with a librarian to answer questions.

  • Family members give detailed information, add background and reasoning to explanations of their work/hobbies

  • Finding similarities and connections between different languages and how these similarities arose (evolutionary and historical events)

Ability to understand jokes and puns related to cultural differences 

  • Encourage the unique use of language and responses and jokes/balance with a discussion of respect for other groups.

  • Play outside and table games with family and friends

Able to read in native language two grades above their grade level

  • Encourage additional reading - books from the classroom, public libraries, etc.

  • SORA app - Heritage focused materials, poetry, mysteries, audio books etc.  (Step by Step instructions - Go to, select your school, click the “E-Books and E-Audiobooks” button, choose Sora and sign in (for students the username is 6 digit student ID and password is 8 digit birthdate.

  • Encourage deeper thinking with higher level questions

    • Why do you like/dislike this book?

    • Why do you think the author wrote this book? What makes you think that?

    • What else do you want to know about this topic?

    • How did the author collect information to write this book?

Higher reading and speaking levels than their non-gifted MLL peers

  • Ask a librarian for age and reading level appropriate reading 

  • Encourage children to listen to/join in adult family members’ discussions.

  • Keeping up with current events in home country to maintain connection with another culture


(the practice of alternating between two or more languages or  varieties of language in conversation) 

Actively leads their multilingual peers in translanguaging. 

  • Encourage your child to use the language they prefer to think, speak, read and write. 

  • Set up a mentorship/internship where people work in more than one language.

Sense of global community and awareness of other cultures and languages

  • Ask about what they see/observe - and for their suggestions if they see problems

  • Encourage atypical solutions to problems

  • Dedicate time to community engagement as a family

  • Encourage child to learn more about any topic that interests them

Learns a second or third language at an accelerated pace

  • Take your child to a DPS DAC event to listen to and interact with the interpreters

  • Find a world language school that offers scholarships for younger students

  • Encourage Language learning through DuoLingo or other language learning app

Excels in math achievement tests when language ability is not a factor

  • Access Khan Academy for self-directed learning

  • Request additional differentiation in the classroom

  • Connect with DPS GT teacher to advocate for your child

  • Sign up for

  • Encourage child to teach you what they are learning in math class


  • Encourage wise risk-taking.

  • Wonder aloud about how to fix or improve things in your home. 

  • Attend children’s programs at museums where creative play is offered.


  • Encourage higher level coursework in high school and education beyond HS. 

  • Look for college scholarships (there are many more resources)

  • Volunteer at a school event

  • Encourage your students to follow their dreams and learn more about the world through summer programs

  • Pursue DPS and or Global Seal of Biliteracy

SCFD Free Days

RTD students ride free 

Summer Activities and Program Resources