Outside Testing Policy

Families that have had their children privately assessed with a cognitive assessment may have those scores reviewed by the GT Data Review Committee for consideration for magnet eligibility and/or identification purposes. The scores must be reviewed by the committee and submission does not guarantee acceptance of scores.

Please note: While outside testing is an option for families, all DPS students are assessed during their time at DPS. A universal screener is administered to all students in kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades. Additionally, DPS GT offers cognitive testing with the CogAT/NGAT for nominated students in non-screener grade levels in a fall and a spring testing window. For more information about DPS GT's testing options, please visit our Testing Information page.

How Can I Submit My Child's Scores?
Please send the complete report to giftedandtalented@dpsk12.org. If the score report is password protected, please include the password in the email.

  • Important: If your child is not currently a student in DPS, please also include a copy of their birth certificate so that we can generate a district file to house the data.

Which Tests Are Considered for Eligibility?
We review private WISC, DAS, WPPSI, KABC, CAS, and Stanford Binet.

Which Data May Be Considered Qualifying?
The data review committee looks at the overall subtest scores in the 95%ile or higher in at least one category (varies by test):

  • WISC Accepted Subtests: Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial, Fluid Reasoning, General Ability Index, Full Scale IQ

  • WPPSI Accepted Subtests: Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial, Fluid Reasoning, General Ability Index, Nonverbal Index, Full Scale IQ

  • KABC: Simultaneous, Learning, Knowledge, Planning, Global Scale

  • DAS: General Conceptual Ability, Verbal, Nonverbal Reasoning Ability, Spatial Ability

Which Data is Not Considered Qualifying?

  • Individual subtests that are factored into the composite score ARE NOT accepted. For instance, the Committee would accept a score in the 95%ile for Verbal Comprehension, but not the individual subtests that make up that overall score (such as Similarities, Vocabulary, or Information).

  • We do not accept scores in Working Memory, Sequential Processing, or Processing Speed on any test.

  • Achievement tests, such as the Woodcock Johnson, are not considered for magnet eligibility since they are not cognitive assessments. However, the scores may be considered as a data point in the body of evidence towards a GT ID.

How Can I Get My Child Assessed?
The GT Department does not endorse specific private psychologists or pay for elective testing. We recommend reviewing the Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented's GT Testing and Counseling page for a list of potential providers .